It supports both WPA and WPA2 security standards and can attempt to recover passwords from captured network data You May Also Like Can Download SoftPerfect WiFi Guard Crack Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor Pro License Key Features: Featuring patented cost-efficient GPU acceleration technologies and employing a range of smart attacks targeting the human factor, Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor runs a highly efficient accelerated attack on the network for a pre-defined amount of time in order to test how secure your wireless environment is.Ī powerful application that will let you determine the level of security of the wireless network by attempting to recover passwords used by the users. The tool will attempt to break into a secured Wi-Fi network by analyzing the wireless environment, sniffing Wi-Fi traffic, and running an attack on the network’s WPA/WPA2-PSK password. Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor is an all-in-one tool to help administrators verify how secure and how busy a company’s wireless network is.